Invbio Saliva Test

We offer two different standardized saliva collection methods to best suit your labs research needs:

  • Stabilized saliva collection kit for collection of preserved saliva in non-hazardous, virus-inactivated solution for SARS-CoV-2 research.
  • Saliva collection GENPRICE GENTAUR  kit for collection of plain/raw saliva for efficient, cost-effective, and high-frequency surveillance testing.

INVBIO Saliva Alcohol Test Strips, High Accurate Home Alcohol Saliva Test Strips, Home Alcohol Testing Strips

  • Fast and Simple — In two minutes and just two steps by using our INVBIO alcohol test strips, you can get accurate alcohol test level by testing saliva specimen.
  • Mini Portable — INVBIO saliva alcohol tester is small and light, it’s easy to carry and can be used in anywhere. You can use alcohol test testing strips kit at home, company and so on
  • Accurate result — Different color changes correspond to different data, colour coded chart shows BAC strength. The accuracy of our alcohol test results exceeds 99%.
  • Heath and Hygiene– Based on these advantage, every year we have booth in MEDICA (the biggest fair in IVD field) in Germany and booth in MEDLAB ( the second biggest fair in IVD field) for this kind of saliva alcohol saliva test strips.

Product description

■ INVBIO saliva alcohol screening test kit detect alcohol presence in saliva. Therefore, directly dipping the strip into alcohol alone will not provide you with an accurate reading.
■ It is very important that the test be read at exactly two minutes, The result you read 2 minutes after saturation with saliva is the accurate test result.
■ Do not place anything in mouth for at least 10 minutes prior to testing!



■ Nothing should be placed into the mouth of the subject for at least 10 minutes prior to saliva collection. This includes food, drink, tobacco products or other materials.
■ Saliva specimen can be collected in a sputum cup or a clean container, or directly applied to the reaction pad of the test strip.

■ Open the foil package and remove the test strip.
■ Saturate the reactive pad by dipping the reaction pad into the saliva specimen collected in a cup, or saturate the reactive pad on the end of stick with saliva in mouth for 10 seconds, shake off the excess saliva.
■ Immediately start timer and at exactly 2 minutes, compare the reactive pad with the provided colored chart.
Results after more than 2 minutes may be not accurate.


■ Negative: Almost no color change by comparing with the background. The negative result indicates that the BAC is less than 0.02%.
■ Positive: A distinct color developed all over the pad. The positive result indicates that the BAC is 0.02% or higher.
■ Invalid: The test should be considered invalid If only the edge of the reactive pad turned color that might be ascribed to insufficient sampling.

Who should consider COVID-19 testing?
• If you feel that you are seriously ill, seek immediate medical care from a healthcare professional.
• If you feel like you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.
• Signs of a serious medical condition include, but are not limited to: severe shortness of breath
or difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, persistent vomiting
or diarrhea.

The P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit may be right for you, if you:

• Are currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
• Live in or recently traveled to an area with an ongoing spread of COVID-19.
• Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19.
• Think you have been exposed to COVID-19.
• Note: This P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit can be used for healthcare
provider-collected saliva, self-collection in a healthcare setting, self-collected
at-home via telemedicine and self-collected at-home unsupervised.
The P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit may NOT be right for you, if you:
• Currently have severe symptoms that limit your daily activities.
Seek medical attention right away if this is the case.
• Do not have symptoms and have not been exposed to COVID-19.
• Do not have symptoms and have not been to an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19.

How does the P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit work?

The P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit provides you with a way to get tested for the virus from
the comfort and security of your own home by providing a saliva specimen. No trip to the doctor’s office or other healthcare provider is required to get COVID-19 testing.
1 Complete the COVID-19 Medical Questionnaire: Visit www.P23Labs/covid19 to complete a short health
screening questionnaire online to determine your risk of contracting the disease.
2 Order kit: Purchase the P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit on the website. Once your order has been placed, P23 Labs will send the COVID-19 test kit, registered with your unique barcode, to your home.
3 Collect specimen: The P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit includes everything you need to collect your saliva specimen, including easy to understand instructions.
4 Send to the lab: After your specimen is collected, send it back in the pre-paid packaging for processing
within 24 hours of collection. Drop off the sealed return overpack containing your specimen at the closest Fedex or UPS or other approved logistics company depot BEFORE the last pickup of the day.
5 Get your result: You will receive an email notification when your result is ready and you can access it online in your secure P23 account. After receiving your COVID-19 result, you have the opportunity to talk to a licensed physician who can answer any questions you may have about your result.

  • Follow all directions carefully to ensure an adequate specimen is collected for testing.
  • Do NOT eat, drink, smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before giving your saliva specimen.  Do not remove the plastic film on the tube’s funnel.

Step 1. Specimen collection

1. IMPORTANT: Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds then dry your hands before
starting the collection.
2 Open your P23 At-Home Covid-19 Test Collection Kit and place all of the contents on a clean, dry surface.
3. Remove the saliva collection device from its packaging and collect your specimen.

Step 2. Specimen shipping preparation

1. Make sure the cap on your specimen tube is tightly closed.
Do NOT return the funnel.
2. Place specimen into the bio hazard bag and press firmly
across the closure to securely zip.
3. Place the bagged specimen onto the protective bubble wrap in the shipping box.
Place the absorbent sheet on top and close the shipping box lid.
4. IMPORTANT: Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds again,
then dry your hands after completing the shipping preparation.
5. The shipping box goes into the labeled return overpack,
remove the adhesive liner and seal overpack closed.
6. Drop off the sealed return overpack containing your specimen at the closest
Fedex or UPS depot as determined by the shipping label with P23 Lab’s address.
IMPORTANT: Drop off the return overpack at the shipping depot within
24 hours of specimen collection

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