The WM-q multiple exact string matching algorithm for DNA sequences

The WM-q multiple exact string matching algorithm for DNA sequences

The string matching algorithms are among the essential fields in computer science, such as text search, intrusion detection systems, fraud detection, sequence search in bioinformatics. The exact string matching algorithms are divided into two parts: single and multiple. Multiple string matching algorithms involve finding elements of the pattern set P in a given input text T. String matching processes should be done in a time-efficient manner for DNA sequences. As the volume of the text T increases and the number of search patterns increases, the total runtime increases. Efficient algorithms should be selected to perform these search operations as soon as possible. In this study, the Wu-Manber algorithm, one of the multiple exact string matching algorithms, is improved.

Although the Wu-Manber algorithm is effective, it has some limitations, such as hash collisions. In this study, the WM-q algorithm, a version of the Wu-Manber algorithm based on the perfect hash function for DNA sequences, is proposed. String matching is performed using different block lengths provided by the perfect hash function instead of using the fixed block length as in the traditional Wu-Manber algorithm. The proposed approach has been compared with E. Coli and Human Chromosome1 datasets, frequently used in the literature, using multiple exact string matching algorithms. The proposed algorithm gives better results for performance metrics such as the average runtime, the average number of characters and hash comparisons.

2009 saw the first description of Candida auris, a yeast pathogen of humans. C. auris has since grown into a global problem in intensive care settings, where it causes systemic infections in patients with underlying health issues. Recent whole-genome sequencing has discerned five C. auris clades with distinct phenotypic features which display genomic divergence on a DNA sequence and a chromosome structure level. In the absence of sexual reproduction in C. auris, the mechanism(s) behind the rapid genomic evolution of this emerging killer yeast has remained obscure. Yet, one important bit of information about chromosome organization was missing, the identification of the centromeres.

Molecular variation of the cytochrome b DNA and protein sequences in Phytoseiulus macropilis and P. persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) reflect population differentiation

Several phytoseiid mite species are important natural enemies used in biological control strategies. In the present study, Cytb mtDNA sequences of various populations of two species, Phytoseiulus macropolis and P. persimilis, were compared to determine whether the specimens collected in Brazil could belong to P. persimilis as this latter species is reported in South America but not in Brazil. The Cytb marker was used because of its high evolution rate, assumed to capture intraspecific variation. No overlap between intra- and interspecific distances was observed but the distances were quite low for interspecific variation.

This can be due to the particular biology of Phytoseiulus species and this shows the difficulty to apply a universal threshold in genetic distances to conclude about the existence of one or several species. Cytb mtDNA sequences were also considered to assess intraspecific variation. The DNA sequences of P. persimilis populations were very similar, probably because they all originated from the West Palearctic region or because of a prevalence of commercialized specimens in natura. For P. macropilis, higher genetic distances were observed and differentiation was noted according to geographic location and, to a smaller extent, pyrethroid resistance.

The WM-q multiple exact string matching algorithm for DNA sequences

To determine how DNA variation might impact the protein function (CytB fragment considered), the amino acid compositions of the populations studied were compared. No diagnostic mutation was observed between pyrethroid resistant and susceptible populations, whereas four mutations were identified between populations of P. macropilis separated by 1300 km (different climatic conditions). The impact of such mutations is discussed but knowledge is scarce, which makes it difficult to root testable hypotheses. The protein analysis clearly opens new perspectives in Phytoseiidae studies.

Characterization of genomic DNA sequence of the candidate gene for FB_Mfu10 associated with fire blight resistance in Malus species

 The proposed candidate gene underlying the Malus fusca fire blight resistance locus on chromosome 10 was previously predicted to possess 880 amino acids and 8 exons. Eight base pair (8 bp) insertion/deletion in the first exon potentially distinguished resistant genotypes from susceptible ones. This study aimed at analyzing the candidate gene sequence in another set of original resistant and susceptible progeny, characterizing the sequence in a transgenic line transformed with the candidate gene under its own native promoter, as well as deciphering the potential genomic differences between this candidate gene and its homolog in the ‘Golden Delicious’ doubled haploid genome (GDDH13).

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

C0006-1mg 1mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

C0006-50mg 50mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

C0006-5mg 5mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (No ROX)

HY-K0523 5 mL (500 rxns )
EUR 308.4

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

C0008-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

C0008-1g 1g Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

C0008-1mg 1mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

C0008-50mg 50mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

C0008-5mg 5mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

HY-K0522 5 mL (500 rxns )
EUR 308.4

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

C0007-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

C0007-1g 1g Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

C0007-1mg 1mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

C0007-50mg 50mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

C0007-5mg 5mg Ask for price
Description: SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

HY-K0521 1 mL (100 rxns)
EUR 135.6

2x SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

B21702 5 ml
EUR 268.8
Description: 2x SYBR Green qPCR master mix (Low ROX) utilizes a special performance-enhanced Taq DNA polymerase protected via a hot-start activation technique, and optimized qPCR buffer system to perform SYBR

2x SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX)

B21703 25 ml
EUR 1027.2
Description: 2x SYBR Green qPCR master mix (Low ROX) utilizes a special performance-enhanced Taq DNA polymerase protected via a hot-start activation technique, and optimized qPCR buffer system to perform SYBR

2x SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

B21402 5 ml
EUR 268.8
Description: 2x SYBR Green qPCR master mix (High ROX) utilizes a special performance-enhanced Taq DNA polymerase protected via a hot-start activation technique, and optimized qPCR buffer system to perform SYBR

2x SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (High ROX)

B21403 25 ml
EUR 1027.2
Description: 2x SYBR Green qPCR master mix (High ROX) utilizes a special performance-enhanced Taq DNA polymerase protected via a hot-start activation technique, and optimized qPCR buffer system to perform SYBR

AceQ qPCR SYBR® Green Master Mix

Q111-02 500 rxn (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 265.2

AceQ qPCR SYBR® Green Master Mix

Q111-03 2500 rxn (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 775.2

Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix - 200 x 25 µL rxns

THK0221 each Ask for price

Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix - 1,000 x 25 µL rxns

THK0222 each Ask for price

Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix - 4,000 x 25 µL rxns

THK0223 each
EUR 3324.5

Maxima SYBR Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix - 200 x 25 µL rxns

THK0241 each Ask for price

Maxima SYBR Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix - 1,000 x 25 µL rxns

THK0242 each Ask for price

Maxima SYBR Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix - 4,000 x 25 µL rxns

THK0243 each Ask for price

Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix, ROX Solution provided - 200 x 25 µL rxns

THK0251 each
EUR 232.17

Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix, ROX Solution provided - 1,000 x 25 µL rxns

THK0252 each
EUR 1046.4

Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix, ROX Solution provided - 4,000 x 25 µL rxns

THK0253 each Ask for price

BioEasy Master Mix (SYBR Green)

TRI-B25L1 200T
EUR 403.2

SYBR Green cRNA PCR Master Mix

SGM002 2 ml
EUR 174

EnoGene Green qPCR Master Mix

E31M001 500 reaction
EUR 75

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q311-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 562.79

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q311-00-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 1.09

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q311-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 120.55

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q311-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 124.83

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q311-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 543.5

Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix

42-116PG 400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
EUR 341.44
Description: 2X, Without ROX, 5ml

Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix

42-117PG 4000 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
EUR 2926.74
Description: 2X, Without ROX, 50ml

Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix

42-118PG 400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
EUR 338.88
Description: 2X, Low ROX, 5ml

Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix

42-119PG 4000 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
EUR 2926.74
Description: 2X, Low ROX, 50ml

Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix

42-120PG 400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
EUR 341.44
Description: 2X, High ROX, 5ml

Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix

42-121PG 4000 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
EUR 3095.57
Description: 2X, High ROX, 50ml

BioEasy Master Mix (SYBR Green, No ROX)

TRI-B25L1D 200T
EUR 403.2

BioEasy Master Mix (SYBR Green, low ROX)

TRI-B25L1C 200T
EUR 403.2

BioEasy Master Mix (SYBR Green, high ROX)

TRI-B25L1B 200T
EUR 403.2

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix

Q411-00-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 1.09

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix

Q411-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 140.63

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix

Q411-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 145.62

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix

Q411-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 634

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix

Q411-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 656.51

AceQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q511-00-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 1.09

AceQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q511-02 500 rxn (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 152.72

AceQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q511-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 158.14

AceQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q511-03 2500 rxn (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 688.5

AceQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q511-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 712.94

ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q711-00-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 1.09

ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q711-02 500 rxn (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 152.72

ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q711-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 158.14

ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q711-03 2500 rxn (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 688.5

ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q711-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 712.94

miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

MQ101-00-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 1.09

miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

MQ101-01 125 rxn(20 μl/rxn)
EUR 38.9

miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

MQ101-01-125rxns 125 rxns
EUR 40.28

miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

MQ101-02 500 rxn(20 μl/rxn)
EUR 145

miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

MQ101-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 150.15

HotStart™ 2X Green qPCR Master Mix

K1070-25 25ml
EUR 392
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR

HotStart™ 2X Green qPCR Master Mix

K1070-5 5ml
EUR 124
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR

HotStart™ 2X Green qPCR Master Mix

K1070-50 50ml
EUR 768
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix

E37F021-10x5mL 10×5mL
EUR 1360
Description: DsDNA, ssDNA, RNA quantitative detection kit

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix

E37F021-5mL 5mL
EUR 227
Description: Fluorescent quantitative PCR kits

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix

MBS8579840-200Tests 200Tests
EUR 285

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix

MBS8579840-50Tests 50Tests
EUR 180

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix

MBS8579840-5x200Tests 5x200Tests
EUR 1230

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix

MBS8579840-5x50Tests 5x50Tests
EUR 770

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q321-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 120.55

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q321-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 124.83

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q321-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 543.5

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q321-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 562.79

Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q712-00-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 1.09

Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q712-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 161

Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q712-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 166.72

Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q712-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 725

Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Q712-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 750.74

miRNA SYBR Green qPCR Mix

4308A 100 Tests*20μL
EUR 80

miRNA SYBR Green qPCR Mix

4308B 200 Tests*20μL
EUR 150

miRNA SYBR Green qPCR Mix

4308C 500 Tests*20μL
EUR 300

ViPrimePLUSHigh 5X One Step RT-qPCR Green Master Mix I (SYBR® Green Dye), 100rxns

QLMM10 each Ask for price

HotStart™ 2X FAST Green qPCR Master Mix

K1171-25 25ml
EUR 424
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ 2X FAST Green qPCR Master Mix

K1171-5 5ml
EUR 132
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ 2X FAST Green qPCR Master Mix

K1171-50 50ml
EUR 826.4
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ Universal 2X Green qPCR Master Mix

K1170-25 25ml
EUR 392
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ Universal 2X Green qPCR Master Mix

K1170-5 5ml
EUR 124
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ Universal 2X Green qPCR Master Mix

K1170-50 50ml
EUR 752
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q331-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 120.55

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q331-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 124.83

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q331-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 543.5

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q331-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 562.79

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q341-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 120.55

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q341-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 124.83

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q341-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 543.5

ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q341-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 562.79

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q421-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 140.63

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q421-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 145.62

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q421-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 634

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Without ROX)

Q421-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 656.51

HotStart™ Universal 2X FAST Green qPCR Master Mix

K1172-25 25ml
EUR 424
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ Universal 2X FAST Green qPCR Master Mix

K1172-5 5ml
EUR 132
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

HotStart™ Universal 2X FAST Green qPCR Master Mix

K1172-50 50ml
EUR 826.4
Description: Reverse Transcription & PCR|qPCR/Real-time PCR

ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix I, 150rxns

QLMM12 each Ask for price

ViPrimePLUS Taq qPCR Green Master Mix II, 150rxns

QLMM17 each Ask for price

ViPrimePLUS AtTaq qPCR Green Master Mix I, 150rxns

QLMM02 each Ask for price

ViPrimePLUS AtTaq qPCR Green Master Mix II, 150rxns

QLMM07 each Ask for price

Hieff® miRNA Universal qPCR SYBR Master Mix

11171ES03 1 mL
EUR 35

Hieff® miRNA Universal qPCR SYBR Master Mix

11171ES08 5 mL
EUR 150

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q431-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 140.63

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q431-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 145.62

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q431-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 634

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX Premixed)

Q431-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 656.51

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17270-1mL 1 mL
EUR 99
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17271 5 mL
EUR 508
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17271-5mL 5 mL
EUR 308
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q441-02 500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 140.63

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q441-02-500rxns 500 rxns
EUR 145.62

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q441-03 2,500 rxns (20 μl/rxn)
EUR 634

ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)

Q441-03-2500rxns 2,500 rxns
EUR 656.51

ABsolute SYBR Green QPCR Mix 800 rxns

AB-1158/B each Ask for price

ABsolute SYBR Green QPCR Mix 200 rxns

AB-1159 each
EUR 529.74

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17272 1 mL
EUR 203
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17272-1mL 1 mL
EUR 99
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17273 5 mL
EUR 508
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17273-5mL 5 mL
EUR 308
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17274 1 mL
EUR 203
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17274-1mL 1 mL
EUR 99
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17275 5 mL
EUR 508
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17275-5mL 5 mL
EUR 308
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix(including ROX)

E37F022-10x5mL 10×5mL
EUR 1360
Description: Fluorescent quantitative PCR kits

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix(including ROX)

E37F022-5mL 5mL
EUR 227
Description: Fluorescent quantitative PCR kits

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix (including ROX)

MBS8579841-200Tests 200Tests
EUR 285

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix (including ROX)

MBS8579841-50Tests 50Tests
EUR 180

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix (including ROX)

MBS8579841-5x200Tests 5x200Tests
EUR 1230

2×SYBR Green qPCR Mix (including ROX)

MBS8579841-5x50Tests 5x50Tests
EUR 770

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17276 1 mL
EUR 203
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17276-1mL 1 mL
EUR 99
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17277 5 mL
EUR 508
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *No ROX*

17277-5mL 5 mL
EUR 308
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

Hieff UNICON® Universal Blue qPCR SYBR Master Mix

11184ES03 1 mL
EUR 55

Hieff UNICON® Universal Blue qPCR SYBR Master Mix

11184ES08 5×1mL
EUR 245

Hieff UNICON® Universal Blue qPCR SYBR Master Mix

11184ES25 5×5mL
EUR 1040

Genious 2X SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix

RK21204 1 mL
EUR 76.3

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17278 1 mL
EUR 203
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17278-1mL 1 mL
EUR 99
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17279 5 mL
EUR 508
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *Low ROX*

17279-5mL 5 mL
EUR 308
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17280 1 mL
EUR 203
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17280-1mL 1 mL
EUR 99
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17281 5 mL
EUR 508
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green *High ROX*

17281-5mL 5 mL
EUR 308
Description: TAQuestâ„¢ FAST qPCR Master Mix with Helixyteâ„¢ Green is a ready-to-use 2X solution optimized for qPCR and 2-step RT-qPCR.

2X Universal SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix  

MBS9141672-25mL 25mL
EUR 755

2X Universal SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix  

MBS9141672-5mL 5mL
EUR 255

2X Universal SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix

RK21203 1 mL
EUR 21.26

2 x SYBR Green qPCR Mix(Antibody,ROX)

4302A 1 mL
EUR 80

2 x SYBR Green qPCR Mix(Antibody,ROX)

4302B 5*1 mL
EUR 250

2 x SYBR Green qPCR Mix(Antibody,ROX)

4302C 50*1 mL
EUR 1400

Sequences of amplicons of part of the candidate gene amplified in two progenies that showed resistant and susceptible fire blight phenotypes, confirmed the 8 bp insertion that distinguishes susceptible and resistant progenies. The transgenic line was positive for the candidate gene sequence, confirming a successful transfer into the background of apple cultivar ‘Pinova’, and possessed the same genomic sequence as the progeny with a resistant phenotype. Sequence analysis showed that the homolog gene on GDDH13 possesses a significant 18 bp deletion in exon 1 leading to a difference of 15 amino acid from the protein sequence of the candidate gene.

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